Sock Week Wrap-up and Giveaway
Today I am showing one last pair of socks I have recently finished. This is yet another plain ribbed sock knit with the Simply Socks Poste Striping yarn I love so much. This pair was knit for my oldest son, at his request.
The colorway is called Poenari Castle, and it has black, gray and acid green stripes. I love that many of the Poste Striping colors are named for travel locations and interesting places. Poenari is a castle in Romania, and is linked to Dracula stories.
Looking over at the week's socks, it seems like I knit mostly plain stockinette or ribbed socks. This is a new development, brought on by my recent interest in self striping yarns. I really do love to knit socks from patterns. In fact, I have a pair of Monkey socks on the needles right now, and a lenghty queue of patterned socks I do plan to knit. Here are a few of my favorites.
Double Helix by Jeni Staman, from Knitty First Fall 2011
Deflect by Hunter Hammersen, from Knitty Deep Fall 2013
Stitch Surfer by Louise Robert, from Knitty Deep Fall 2012
Skew by Lana Holden, from Knitty Winter 2009
Do you see a pattern here? Knitty is such a great resource for interesting knitting patterns. I need to remind myself to check it out more often. Browsing through back issues for patterns I have missed is fun too.
Now for the giveaway.
What is your favorite sock yarn? Leave a comment to this post before Sunday May 31st letting me know what your favorite sock yarn is and you will be entered to win a 100 gram skein of Regia from the popular Arne and Carlos line, in color 3655 Fall Night. This is some pretty special yarn and not easy to come by.
If self patterning yarn isn't your thing, I will offer up two 50 gram skeins of a discontinued rainbow striping color as an alternate prize. One winner will get to choose which color they prefer.
Be sure to leave your email address or Ravelry ID so I can contact the winner. The contest will close at midnight on may 31st.
Left: Regia Arne & Carlos in Fall Night. Right: Regia Nation Color in Rainbow